Business Coaching

All coaching is personal coaching. Sometimes we need help dealing with issues we are facing in our lives outside of work. And sometimes, our challenges are work related. I have extensive experiences as leadership and management coach. I work with individuals to help them become better leaders and managers. And I work with teams to help them unite, connect and function at their highest potential.

Over the course of my career, I’ve coached individuals and teams at all levels – from front line managers to senior management teams. Helping them grow as leaders and connect as teams. With over 25 years as a business leader and manager, I’ve experienced many of the challenges that confront today’s leaders. So I understand what it’s like to wrestle with these issues.

I’ve also taught courses in management, leadership, managing change, strategy, innovation and time management, and I’ve taught in corporations, non-profits, and the Questrom School of Business at Boston University. So I know the “best practices.”

The problem with the phrase “best practices” is that it suggests that there is one right answer. But every leader is different. And every situation is different. So while my own experiences and background can help me empathize and understand what you and your team might be experiencing, my role as a coach is to help you find the right answers for YOU. Not what has worked best for others in the past. Not what I think you should do. You have your own answers – you may just need someone to help you find them. 

So if you or your team feel like you could be performing better, let’s talk and see how I can help you find your answers.