About Me

The coaching process starts with YOU. So it’s important to choose a coach that you feel comfortable with. Sometimes it’s similar backgrounds that create that rapport, sometimes it’s just a feeling. 

One of the reasons I’ve been so effective coaching “high performers” who have hit roadblocks is because I’ve been there myself. I jumped through all the hoops. Graduated Magna cum Laude from Harvard. Got my MBA from Harvard Business School. Worked in all the “prestigious” industries: management consulting, private equity, venture capital, hedge funds. And yet through it all, I felt like something was missing. 

When I stopped to take inventory, I realized that for me, the greatest joy was helping others breakthrough the barriers that kept them from being truly happy. Sometimes the challenges were work related. Other times, the challenges were broader. But whether it was working with the senior management teams of my venture investments, helping consulting colleagues make career choices, or listening to 

I grew up with a great love of the outdoors, especially hiking in the White Mountains of New Hampshire. As a kid, my Dad and I climbed every summer, and together summited all of the 4,000 Footers. Something about being in the wilderness, the winds whispering through the forests, the peaks shrouded in mist that just called to me and put my mind at ease. And it’s that inner peace that guides me as we work together, helping you find what’s holding you back and 

I’m also a jazz musician, having played jazz for over 40 years. Being a good jazz musician requires an ability to listen deeply and create based upon what you hear. I use these skills when I coach – not just listening but hearing, helping you to innovate and create.


Coaching and Teaching:

  • ICF Certified Coach (ACC)
  • Graduate of American University’s Leadership Coaching for Organizational Performance
  • Positive Intelligence Training
  • Tandem Coach, Tandem Solutions
  • Strategy and Innovation Lecturer, Boston University Questrom School of Business


  • Partner, Jarvinian Ventures
  • Partner, Sherbrooke Capital
  • Principal, Innosight Consulting
  • Senior Analyst, Alydar Hedge Fund


  • BA, Harvard University
  • MBA, Harvard University