“In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice. But in practice there is.”
– Yogi Berra
“Be happy. If you’re successful but unhappy, that’s emptiness.”
– John McEnroe
“Creativity is intelligence having fun.”
– Albert Einstein
“Leap, and the net will appear.”
– John Burroughs
“The most important step a person can take is the next step.”
– Brandon Sanderson

Create a reality worthy of your true self.​

You’ve followed all the rules, met all the requirements, gotten all the grades and promotions. From the outside, it looks like you’re successful and content. And yet….

..something feels off. This isn’t the life you envisioned. The path you are on seems like it leads nowhere.  Maybe your career doesn’t excite you anymore. Maybe you are struggling to find meaning in what you are doing. Maybe you feel like you have no control in your life.

If you’re ready for a new reality – one that reflects your passions and inspires you – then I can help.

For years, I’ve been coaching people who despite their professional success, felt like something was missing. And I’ve helped them to discover new paths and meanings. Sometimes it takes new ways of looking at things. Other times, it’s the right question asked at the right time. Whatever it is, I will help you find it.

Deciding to hire a coach is a big decision. It means you have made a commitment to yourself. For yourself.  You are ready to take the next step in your life. And choosing the right coach is critical. Find a coach that resonates with you. One who will both support you, encourage you and most importantly listen to you.

Unlike many coaches, I don’t have a set “program” or “system” for you to follow. Coaching should always be about you – and never about the coach. When we work together, I will listen to you and meet you where you are. Together we will explore what’s holding you back and discover ways to breakthrough.

What would it be like to feel true joy? At work. At home. Everywhere. Let’s set up a time to talk and see how I might be able to help.